Animal Chiropractic Services
Dr. Ross completed a post graduate course in animal chiropractic overseas, in Bournemouth, England at AECC. With her own experience of working, training and competing with horses at a high level, as well as her love of animals in general, she is very passionate about animal chiropractic care (specifically equine and canine patients).
Chiropractic is an integral part of the holistic approach in animal health care. Chiropractic offers tremendous potential in animal health care, in both the competitive and high performance animals, as well as our adored companions (from minor strains to chronic pain in our elderly arthritic animals).
Most of the work in animal chiropractic is extrapolated from the human chiropractic profession, both in technique and in functional theories to explain clinical results. The last decade has demonstrated tremendous potential benefits of animal chiropractic care of both large and small animals.
The treatment procedures utilized in Animal Chiropractic include the manipulation of vertebrae and extremities (legs) as well as soft tissue techniques. Animal chiropractic care also includes management advice as to what is needed to insure the best results to chiropractic care.
The practice of Animal Chiropractic includes taking a thorough case history, consisting of at least subjective information from the owner, information previously determined from x-rays or laboratory analysis, previous diagnoses and therapies, and lastly consulting with primary veterinarians involved in the case.
Referring the animal patient back to his primary care veterinarian for further examination or care will be done for any treatment that is not specifically pertinent to animal chiropractic (lameness exam, blood tests etc).